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Welcome to our very own "best of" list,
showcasing some of our personal favorites
on the big island of Hawaii. Enjoy!
*Indicates places within walking distance of Heart of Kona Condo
Best Beach for Kids
​​King Kam Beach*​​​
The Big Beach
Hapuna Beach​
Best BBQ Beach Picnic
Best Beach and a Bite
Boogie Boarding Beach
Honl's Beach*​
Best Sunset
Best Beach Hike
Best Lagoon Park
Best Place to Safely See Turtles
World Famous Green Sand
Best Mai Tai
Best Toes in the Sand Dining
Best Fish Sandwich
On the Rocks*​
Best Poke Hole in the Wall
Best Fish Market
Best Farmer's Market
Best Luau -IT'S A TIE!-
Best Malasadas
Tex Drive In​
Best Shaved Ice
Best Fancy Night Out
Best Snorkel Tour
Body Glove*​
Best Snorkel Spot
Best Historical Park
(located right next to 2 step)​
Best Parasailing
UFO Parasail*​
Best Scuba Diving Outfitter
Best Waterfall
Best Waterfall Tour​
Best Zip-line Tour
Best Volcano Hike
Best Lava Tube Cave
Contact us with your family favorites to add to our list!
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